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Bill Nadeau

Home - 905-954-1241

Cell - 905-716-5604


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Feel free to go to my Calendar to see my open dates. If it's open, put the date in the message box below, with your contact information and I will contact you to discuss details and hold that date for you

What kind of gigs?

House Concerts - Some of my favourite gigs have been "living Room celebrations". I can fit almost anywhere and not overwhelm the room... unless you want me to.

Dance Halls  - With enough production for about 400 seats, I can fill a room with a range of music that carries the event. From "Meet and Greet" background Jazz to easy listening to full production tunes that span 7 decades of some of the best music ever written.

Nightclubs and Pubs - Playing licensed venues for 40 years, I know how, and when, to engage - how to be background and when to keep patrons on the dancefloor!


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